Friday, January 27, 2012

Where there's a Will there's a Way

One thing I have learned about Money Managment - there is NO skill involved.
I repeat - NO skill.

Yes, I am a numbers person by nature (accountant by choice), so I am more aware of numbers, money, and the tools available. But AWARENESS and APPLICATION are two totally separate things. Knowing is the first step, Doing is what counts.

Let me give some none-money examples
Why do awareness and application not always match up? Attitude.

If you desire to do something, chances are you will do it. Here's the trick with money - the more you plan and save now, the more you will enjoy what you want and be stress free later. But chances are your Attitude towards money will have to change first.

What's yours?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

If YOU Wish Upon A Star

As a freshly - graduated laden - with - debt college student trying to get off to a great start on my next 60+ years, I have discovered there are a LOT of people, just like me, though they may be earlier or further along on the timeline than myself.

Here's what I picture for our futures (and why Im starting budge-what?):
  • Student Loans - gone, gone, and long gone.
  • Car - newer, reliable, and all mine. No lease, no loan, no strings attached, nada.
  • Credit cards - um duh, why wouldn't I just pay cash? My money, my purchases- not yours VISADISCAMEX!
  • Retirement - as good as I live now and then some.
Does this life sound nice to you? What would you like to add?