Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whose Money is in Your Wallet?

As a follow-up to my post on Attitude, I figured I would outline some money-attitudes and their biggest downfalls.

Child - everything comes from Mommy & Daddy
                                Attitude: I want it, gotta have it, what's your's is mine
                                Downfall: Mommy & Daddy say "No."
Student - Spender: I go to school, I live on my own, but Mom & Dad still pay
                                Attitude: but everyone else lives on the upper east side.. Daddy please??
                                Downfall: Mommy and Daddy say "No - get a job if you want it."
Student-Hybrid: I go to school, I pay for my own drinks, but Uncle Sam gets the rest
                                Attitude: I <3 my student loans, how could I go to Spain without them?
                                Downfall: 4 years of fun = 10 years and $50,000k + Interest  to pay back later 
Student - Adult - Saver: I go to school, I saved for college, and I paid for it all on my own
                                Attitude: Only my money is mine/Ahhhhh freedom is sweet.
                                Downfall: You lived close enough to take the bus, which contains lots of loud Freshmen.
Adult - Spender - Child: I have a job, it pays for my drinks, but I live at Mom & Dad's
                                Attitude: the old bird does my laundry and makes me breakfast, why would I ever leave?
                                Downfall: Mom & Dad sell the house and buy an RV to travel - for two.
Worker-Hybrid: I have a job and pay for my apartment, but Mom & Dad pay some of the bills
                                Attitude: I am so close to being on my own, but it's so cheap to keep me on their plan!
                                Downfall: Mom & Dad switch plans, you're dropped, and your rent suddenly feels steep
Worker- Saver - Adult: I have a job, one name for every bill, and my checking account pays it all
                                Attitude: Only my money is mine/Ahhh - freedom is sweet.
                                Downfall: You seem less popular, because creditors never call...
Worker- Spender -Parent: I have a job, I pay the bills, and my kids get all the rest.
                                Attitude: I can't wait until they are old enough to get jobs and move out.
                                Downfall: You have trained up adult-spender-children: they will never move out.
Worker-Saver-Parent: I have a job, I saved for their college, and I love my vacations.
                                Attitude: I can wait to have it, and they can too.
                                Downfall: Your married friends are jealous, and you won' get as much time with your precious babies since they will never live on your couch.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the post! please keep them coming, esp loved "Downfall: Your married friends are jealous, and you won' get as much time with your precious babies since they will never live on your couch" ...struck a cord with me:))

    Dude..this is something that I bet Capital One would love to use in one of their marketing gimmicks, for "what's in your wallet"! I say sell them your idea and that will be in your wallet!
