Thursday, April 12, 2012

Budget Commandments

Lately I have been a little off... budget-wise, blog-wise, fitness-wise, you name it, it's off. But, lately I have been focusing on something a little bit different. Just recently I took a vacation and despite the word "vacation" and very much wanting to be happy and content, I noticed that not only was I neither happy nor content (despite giving myself an extra spending allowance to enjoy), but I was also brining down the entire mood around me. The Lorax inside me speaking for happiness everywhere struck out - something must be done.

 Inspired, while perusing the book selection at the airport, a title struck out at me: The Happines Project @ Gretchen has 12 Personal Commandenments inspired by various moments of her life and happiness project, which led me to think, why not have 12 Spending Commandments? A quick list of reminders is just what I need to get my budget back on track.

1. Pay debt first
2. Every penny counts
3. Debt, Save, Give, Needs, Fun
4. Flex and be flexed
5. Hard work pays off.
6. Plan the splurge.
7. Needs > wants.
8. Give more.
9. Have a little faith.
10. Fun is free.
11. Home cooked > dining out
12. Credit = debt = bad idea.

- "my" money is not mine until I give back what I borrowed.
-if I budget to $0 including-"miscellanous" not a penny is wasted.
- in order from most to least important
- wiggle room is good, like expecting the unexpected so Im always prepared
- grades, budget,career, family.. you name it, and this is true.
- if I plan the splurge I can get the most bang for my buck - outlet mall on a holiday wekeend anyone??
- are my .. bills paids, car running, body working?
- I have been blessed because others gave to me, time to return the favor
- If I spend wisely and plan ahead, I know my needs will be met
-going outside, talking with friends, using my imagination -so much fun for $0!
- less on my waist more in my wallet, what's not to love?
- the temptation to spend when the credit is in my wallet is far greater than the discount coupons I get. I need to lock them up and throw away the key, lest I make the unplanned splurge.

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